Partners - Akademickie Centrum Designu


Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk
The Faculty of Architecture and Design is the largest faculty of the Gdańsk Academy of Fine Arts. It combines three fields of study: Design, Interior Design, and Architecture of Cultural Space. It has one of the richest offers for design students in the country.
The rich variety is particularly noticeable in the Design course, where, in addition to an intensive course of the basics and design tools. Students have access to various specializations – from applied graphics and their award-winning product and furniture design studios, through to designing ships
and jewelry. Particularly unique for the department are those that cooperate with local industry to design exclusive yachts, as well as the use of the world-famous Baltic Amber for jewelry design.
The seat of the university is located in one of the most valuable monuments of Gdańsk – the Great Armory just outside the old town.
The department, apart from education, undertakes cooperation with external partners in the field of business, production, and institutions related to the promotion and development of design in Poland. The staff can be proud of international installations and exhibitions at valued cultural centers in the world, which also translates into a high opinion among graduates and employers in the country and abroad.


Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice
The Graphic Design Faculty is the showcase of the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. The Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice is one of the youngest art schools in the country. It previously operated as a branch of the Cracow Academy of Fine Arts. In addition to the former building, the university today boasts a completely new building with a great architectural design, woven into the city space, in very
close proximity to the former one. The well-thought-out architecture of the buildings themselves, combined with open spaces and greenery, also allows students to work outside the building. Katowice also
has well-equipped laboratories, both regarding 2D and 3D printing. Laboratories and workshops are also equipped with cutting edge machines and devices, and students can implement models of their projects in various techniques and technologies under the supervision of specialists. The Katowice Department of Industrial Design cooperates with many companies from various fields. It also conducts research in cooperation with the Medical University and the Cardiology Center in Zabrze. This cooperation results in many interesting and very innovative projects related to the world of medicine and rehabilitation. The Katowice academy also has a very successful department of graphic design. It can boast of an impressive area that allows for professional film and animation making. Many socalled social projects are also being developed in Katowice due to the very nature of the Upper Silesia region.


Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow
The Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, where many Polish painters, graphics designers and sculptors studied, celebrated its 200th anniversary in 2018 . However, this university is famous not only for its art faculties. In 1964, the first department of industrial design in post-war Poland was created there. Students of the Cracow Academy can also acquire knowledge and experience in the field of interior architecture, furniture design and graphic design. A characteristic feature of the Cracow design faculty is the emphasis on design methodology, universal design and traditional Polish applied arts and
crafts. The faculty of visual communication is also widely known. The academy has workshops where students can make product models using traditional devices, as well as 3D printers and CNC machine tools. The department cooperates with many domestic and foreign companies and institutions and its students win prestigious competitions. According to the university Career Office, about 80% of faculty graduates find employment in the industry in which they obtained education.


Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Art in Łódź
The Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz is a modern art academy with over 70 years of tradition. Students can participate in a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and postgraduate studies. Since October 2019, the new structure of the Academy has included two departments: the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Department of Design Arts. The goal of studies at the Faculty of Design Arts is to educate highly-qualified designers in the field of industrial products and visual systems, clothing, jewelry and fabrics, stage design and computer games. The uni
versity also offers studies targeted at future interior architects. The education process at the abovementioned departments is based on acquiring design skills, learning about various technologies and acquiring knowledge about the implementation of design for production through cooperation with industry.


University of the Arts in Poznan
The University of Arts in Poznan is one of the most important in the country in the field of furniture design and graphic design. It is the only university in the country where you can study Bionics. The uniqueness of the Poznan university is that students can use all workshops, both design and art, creating their own study programs. Poznan has been famous for furniture design for years, and throughout this time design workshops have been cooperating with furniture manufacturers. To this day, the leading study subject at the Poznan art university is furniture design. In addition, you can study
industrial design, interior architecture, landscape architecture and unique sciences such as bionics and biodesign, as well as other design fields. Poznan university also boasts a very good graphic design faculty. The expansion of the university area allowed for the creation of well-equipped recording studios at the multimedia faculty and impressive digital graphics laboratories.


Academy of Art in Szczecin
The Academy of Art in Szczecin is the youngest and the first public university of art in Poland combining visual arts with musical arts. We educate about 750 students who win prizes and awards in international competitions in all fields of art. Since October 2019, there have been three design faculties within the structures of the Academy: the Faculty of Interior Design, the Faculty of Graphic Design and the Faculty of Design. The Academy of Arts in Szczecin focuses on educating socially-conscious, creative designers. Our students and graduates use new technologies, create projects that meet the needs of individual audiences, society and the city. The
Academy recognizes that a personalized approach to the teaching process is the most important element of education – it gives the possibility of a very thorough analysis of the development of a student's design and artistic awareness, which in turn allows teachers to tailor the curriculum to dynamically changing creative sectors and the art market. Thanks to the presence of the Center of Creative Industry, with 16 modern laboratories at the Academy of Art in Szczecin, the university is becoming a place of dialogue between design, art and business, where academic design meets business needs.


Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
 The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw is the oldest artistic university in Poland. For over a hundred years it has been developing the talents of young artists in the fields of painting, sculpture, graphics, conservation and restoration of works of art, and in media art, including animation, photography and audiovisual space. The design department has existed within the framework of Academy since 1977. Its program promotes holistic thinking, combines product design, visual communication and space design as well as fashion design with knowledge of the market, technologies, social sciences, art
and culture. The three pillars of the program are design, art and theory. DESIGN. Design is present in all spheres of life today. Not only industrial products or graphics are designed, but also services and experience. Design is treated as a process leading to the creation of solutions that provide recipients with values that are relevant to them, including functional, artistic and emotional ones.
ART. Students participate in painting, drawing and sculpture classes. The concept of open form developed by Oskar Hansen and the program of Workshop of Jerzy Jarnuszkiewicz are especially important in artistic teaching. The role of art teaching at the Faculty
of Design is to shape free, creative and independent thinking.
THEORY. The Design Department has its Faculty of History and Theory. Students, in addition to aesthetics, art history or philosophy classes, participate in lectures, seminars and courses that combine student’s practical work in the social, political and economic context. The Department of History and Theory
of Design organizes the biennial international Fair Design conference, which is devoted to challenges faced by contemporary designers.


Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw
The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw has become a significant cultural and opinion-forming center in its over 70-year-long history. The university is a center of artistic activity, research and teaching in the field of fine arts and design. It currently has 4 faculties: Painting and Sculpture, Graphic Arts and Media Art, Ceramics and Glass, as well as Interior Design and Designing, with 18 departments inside. Education is possible in 11 fields of full-time and part-time study, with English as a lecture language at post-graduate studies and in doctoral school. The
education is based on respect for the tradition of artistic education, internationalization of education, a cultural openness and freedom of teaching. Artistic, scientific and research and development achievements are the result of a constant increase of research potential, including the development of infrastructure and improving the qualifications of the research and teaching staff. Cooperation with the environment, which is based on the fusion of science and art, technology and artistic vision, is dedicated to the regional economy and society at large. The further development of the Academy is a condition for maintaining connection with the ever-changing world, new artistic ideas, design trends and implementation techniques and technologies. Recognized artists and designers, whose names are part of the canon of Polish contemporary art, are associated with the university and city itself.