The body, an entity so intimately connected to us and profoundly familiar, often paradoxically escapes our attention. Nietzsche once said, “Everything starts with the body, for the body is a more astonishing thought than the ancient notion of the ‘soul.’” The body is not merely a vessel for the mind; it is through the body that we experience and interact with our environment, constructing our understanding of the world. Thought itself arises from embodied experience and interaction. Yet, as we shape our subjectivity through bodily perception, customs, culture, and information overwhelm us, dulling the body's sensory capacities, or even silencing them, replacing them with accumulated knowledge and experience. At the same time, the natural attributes of the body are increasingly layered with other properties. The body is far from being the transparent and natural entity we imagine; it no longer even remains fully under our control.
*whenever an asterisk appears in the text it denominates a word form changed in Polish version of the text into gender neutral
exhibition within the framework of the ‘Women's Work Never Ends’ project
Łódź of Many Cultures Festival
The Road Interpenetration Miniature Project is a syncretic reflection of the artist's life journey depicted in a visual and musical – in this case, Chopin – miniature. The compositions were chosen in such a way that, through the pianist's hands, key moments for the creator are shown in a small form. In this dimension, the music corresponds with the visual works, interpenetrates them, draws inspiration from similar sources and associations, and attempts mutual illustration and interaction.