Akademickie Centrum Designu - Space of the Water

Space of the Water

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The chemical composition of our blood is related to the chemical composition of the sea from the beginning of the world,the sea from which the first living cells and the first multicellular animals drew oxygen and other elements needed for life.


Being in confined and overcrowded places, we seek spaces of respite, free breathing, air. A social desire to be in a place without restrictions or on the verge of events is born. Water remembers us and probably no one like it. Recognized as the beginning of all things, part of the structure of the world, water exists in three phases of integration, and is an unquestionable carrier with the iconic mark of purification, rebirth and primordial origin. The cosmology of water is based on its essence, pramateria, "the source of all things and all existence" (Eliade). Humanistic analysis of architecture, as well as Walter Nigell's research, has made it possible to treat architectural objects as a continuous and living narrative. Water being pramateria becomes the narrator of environments and their medium.

CENTRAL's cross-sectional exhibition in the series 'Amplifying Nature'. These are projects that speak in an investigative way about the circulation of water and its connection to social practices. The scale of their projects is determined not by the size of the object, but by the scale of the phenomena to which it connects us. Flows - thermodynamic interdependencies between different forms of life and existence - are as important to CENTRALA as buildings. The Rain Pavilion, for example, responds to and transfers water precipitation and is ultimately created through the construction of water flow. CENTRALA also shows architecture through gravity, light, wind; they are even elements of architectural designs, their modules, folds, 'bodies without organs'.

CENTRALA – Małgorzata Kuciewicz & Simone De Iacobis create projects based on exploring the relationship between architecture and natural processes. For them, architecture is a flow, not merely a static form; and gravity, water circulation as well as atmospheric and astronomical phenomena are its building blocks. CENTRALA see architecture that combines the intimate, human scale with the scale of the planet as a means of tuning us into the rhythm of the world around us, strengthening our sense of connection with nature, opening us to experiencing its vanishing cycles, and direct attention to the relationship between micro-events and changes taking place on the Earth’s scale.

CENTRALA are winners of the competition FUTUWAWA. How Will We Live in Warsaw of the Future (2021). They presented their projects at the Venice Architecture Biennale (2018, 2023), London Design Biennale (2021), Lisbon Architecture Triennial (2022), Gwangju Biennale (2023). Since 2017, they regularly collaborate with the Kharkiv School of Architecture.

The event is part of Łódź Design Festival.

CENTRALA (Malgorzata Kuciewicz and Simone De Iacobis)

Beata Nikolajczk-Miniak

Magdalena Komborska-Łączna

Exhibition, 10.05 – 2.06.2024, Academic Design Center in Lodz (first floor)

Vernissage 10.05.2024, at 6.00 p.m., Academic Design Center in Lodz (first floor)

Conference, 27.05.2024, Academic Design Center in Lodz (1st floor)

Academic Design Center and Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz

PROGRAMME of the Scientific Conference

Academic Design Center, P1, conference room

Monday, May 27
11.30 a.m.- Registration of conference participants
12.00 a.m.- Opening of the conference
_ coffee
12.10 - 4.30 p.m. Scientific conference - speakers' presentations
Lectures and presentations of design and artistic works by didacticians and guests
2.30 p.m

P0_Academic Center of Design
Księży Młyn 13/15, Łódź
(entrance from Księży Młyn Street)
Tues., Thurs. 11.00 a.m.-3.00 p.m.
Fri., Sat. and Sun. 12.00 a.m.-7.00 p.m.

During the Łódź Design Festival - open every day 10:00 - 19:00

Free entrance